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Paybox service

The service, which represents a transit account in Russian banking institutions and is designed to help in accepting payment of ruble transfers in the traditional way, has the laconic name PayBox. The payment resource was founded in 2004, the representative office is located in the northern capital of the Russian Federation. This system is a complex for the integration of modern payment methods and their technologies, which include a single service.


In the fall of 2002, Russian and Ukrainian specialists developed the RUPay online payment service. The first letters of the names of countries (Russia and Ukraine), in which the service and the word pay (payment) initially functioned, were used in the project name. Since time, geography has expanded significantly. \\ nThe system is the most convenient and simple online service. It allows account holders to make purchases, as well as quickly pay for various services. To ensure maximum security, the administration has introduced mandatory identification. In addition, the service constantly monitors suspicious transactions.

Assist system

Assist was founded in 1998 and is one of the main domestic providers of electronic payment systems. This company is at the origins of the Russian electronic payments market, therefore, it can rightfully be considered the flagship in this industry. 2003 was a turning point for the company. The service adapted and started working with widely known online resources - WebMoney, Yandex.Money, QIWI.


Today, every second store offers a discount system so that customer attention remains at the proper level, because the income of the outlet depends on it. \\ nThe average resident of the country has several discount cards offering bonus accumulation systems, or the size of discounts increasing over time. Sometimes its difficult to figure out what a particular store offers, and it turns out that a person uses at best only two or three cards, and the rest just take up space in your wallet.


OnlineDengi payment system is the largest Russian aggregator of various online payments. This service is actively expanding its activities, attracting more and more new customers from around the world and offers users a wide range of capabilities, reliable transactions and ease of use.

PayCash Online

If such payment systems as Qiwi, Yandex.Money, WebMoney are popular and easily recognizable, few people know about PayCash technology, which served as a platform for creating some modern payment systems. Lets talk about the operation of the PayCash-Online service, its properties and features.

Payment system Leader

The Leader transfer system is a dynamically developing payment service that has won the recognition of users from 132 countries of the world, and is now expanding in the markets of Asia and Africa. The service actively interacts with participants in the financial system of Russia and the CIS countries.


CyberPlat payment system is one of the first domestic resources for electronic payments. Due to its potential and functionality, it received the status of “Multi-banking system”. The project was launched in 1998. CyberPlat has been operating for 18 years. During this time, the company has become one of the largest structures of this kind operating on the markets of the Russian Federation and the CIS. \\ nThe number of payment system points is more than 900,000. The terminals accept cash in favor of the main communication operators, Internet, television and other services. All CyberPlat terminals accept payments in favor of the Treasury and the Tax Service of the Russian Federation. A feature of the system is the right to make budget payments. Similar opportunities are absent from competitors.


The Robokassa system is a kind of integrator of various payment systems and is designed to organize the online payment acceptance by sellers of goods and service providers. The developers of the service claim that it allows you to solve most of the issues that arise in the process of receiving payments from customers.

Contact system

The Contact money transfer system was founded back in 1999 and is considered the first Russian service working with currency transfers and payments. Since 2003, the company began working with three major currencies: the ruble, the euro and the dollar, which attracted the attention of a large number of citizens of Russia and other countries. At the moment, the Contact has about 400 thousand representative offices, and the number of countries where the domestic money transfer system is supported is 170, including the Asian market. With the help of Contact it is convenient to send and receive money almost anywhere in the world, despite the long distances.