The most popular questions about working with our exchange service.If you couldn"t find the answer to your question question, please contact us.About 15 years ING Bank has been providing financial services to legal entities. Economic stability is achieved thanks to the attraction of foreign capital - it is a subsidiary of the Dutch holding. The Bank does not work with individuals, the main activity is corporate clients.
OTP Bank is the largest financial and credit institution in Russia, which is part of the well-known OTP Group. A credit institution offers a wide range of services, and both individuals and legal entities act as clients. In the spring of 2016, the institutions capital reached 25.2 billion rubles, which is one of the most solid indicators among other banks in Russia.
Moscow Industrial Bank is one of the largest banking institutions in Russia, which has been operating since 1990. Clients of the organization are individuals and business representatives. The main services are the provision of bank cards, loans, deposits. Today, the bank has a stable customer base, strong market positions and a minimum level of credit risk. Its main advantages are a wide range of services, an individual approach to customers and low sensitivity to currency risks.
Rusfinance Bank is an institution whose main specialization is the issuance of consumer loans. To date, the network of financial and credit organizations has more than 25 thousand partners around the world. Moreover, the institutions branches are located in 68 regions of the country, which opens up access to beneficial services to millions of potential customers (primarily, of course, to residents of Russia).
In the spring of 2016, Deutsche Bank celebrated 135 years of fruitful work for the benefit of customers in Russia and the world. The main advantages of a financial and credit organization are its rich history, a wide range of banking and corporate services, a huge network of offices throughout Russia and favorable conditions for customers. The structure of the structure includes a large number of leasing organizations, investment and mortgage banks. Representative offices are located around the world - in Australia, England, the United States, Russia and other countries. What services does Deutsche Bank offer its customers? What are their features, and what are the terms of provision?
No one is safe from unforeseen expenses. It is very good if the available savings make it possible to quickly solve a financial problem. Otherwise, you have to resort to a loan. Today, many organizations work in the credit market, but not all of them offer a profitable option for cooperation. Unlike unscrupulous lenders, the Soyuz banking institution offers its customers optimal lending conditions.
KMB Bank was established in 1992 as a ZAO. It was established by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, whose main function is to support financial projects in the CIS and Eastern Europe. Thus, the Europeans supported the development of individual entrepreneurship in the CIS countries. After 1998, the institution shifted from large projects to lending to small entrepreneurs, and a year later it went beyond Moscow, opening the first branch in Nizhny Novgorod. A year later, the bank has already opened branches in 15 regions of the country.
The Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development, abbreviated as UBRR, has been providing financial services to its customers for twenty-six years. For the first time, a credit institution opened its doors in September 1990. Today, the bank is a member of the mandatory deposit insurance system. A financial institution provides a fairly extensive list of diverse services. So, customers are available several different lending programs. It is also possible to issue a deposit on favorable terms. Among the banks customers there are many commercial structures. In addition, the credit institution is a fairly active player in the securities market.
Reliability and the spotless business reputation of the financial institution Probusinessbank OJSC have passed the test of time. The bank was founded in 1993. Since 2013, it has been part of the Life financial group. The orientation of the bank, from the very beginning of its operation, is enterprises related to medium and small businesses.