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 The formation of the banking system of modern Russia began immediately after the collapse of the USSR. Although, many of the financial structures of that period ceased to exist long before the start of the new millennium, but some of them are successfully functioning today. These include the commercial bank Gazprombank, founded in the distant 1990, by right. At the moment, this is one of the leading banks in Russia, as evidenced by a very impressive figure - more than three million Russians are customers of the bank. The reliability of the bank is confirmed by the high ratings assigned to it by international leading agencies. The key to success of Gazprombank is the inviolability of the principles of work, namely:

Successful and profitable combination of modern standards and technological innovation with many years of experience.
Reliability and a clean business image.
Convenience of the offered services and service packages.
Highly qualified staff.

Bank Products

Gazprombank offers a wide range of services to its customers:

Car loan.
Consumer loan.
Online Services
Consider each product in more detail:

So, a mortgage from a bank Gazprombank is issued in the amount of 600 thousand to 45 million rubles. The down payment to be paid is 15-20%, depending on the territorial location of the acquired property. No loan commission is charged. The loan term is up to thirty years. The interest for using this type of loan ranges from 12.45 to 14.55% in rubles (the rate is tied to the amount of the down payment). In US dollars, interest on the use of a loan ranges from 10.5 to 11.5% per annum.

Car loan from Gazprombank is provided both in Russian rubles and in dollars. This product involves the purchase of iron horses from the salon and cars that were in operation. In this product, the bank offers several programs that differ in terms, conditions and amounts of lending.

Consumer lending products of this bank are - a loan for training at the SKOLKOVO school and a loan to military personnel. Funds are provided in both national and foreign currencies. The maximum loan amount is three million rubles (or in foreign currency equivalent). The loan has a maximum term of use of 6.5 years. Depending on the term of the contract, the loan rate is 12-12.5% in national and 11% in foreign currency.

A loan to military personnel from the bank Gazprombank is granted on special conditions. Loan purposes in this case can be varied - from the acquisition of housing to the purchase of household appliances. The loan amount is from 30 to 500 thousand rubles. The term of the loan agreement concluded with the client does not exceed three years. The interest rate depending on the provision of collateral by the borrower is 13 and 13.5%. A surety can act as security. Commission for the provision of a loan is not taken.

Gazprombank Bank also offers various types of deposit programs: demand deposits, savings programs, term deposits, investments in various funds, deposits with the possibility of free replenishment and withdrawal of funds from the account.

However, in more detail in this article we will focus on a banking product such as a plastic card.

Varieties of cards

Gazprombank offers its customers various types of plastic cards. Basically, they are of two types - credit and debit. Among debit cards, there is an amazing variety of this convenient banking tool. Such as the:

Gift cards.
Plastics to pay for travel in public transport.
Bonus cards for car owners and for those who often use the services of airlines.
Cards for sports fans.
Pension, salary plastic cards.
Luxury instances.
Bonus cards exclusively for women.
Debit cards are mainly used to pay for goods, services, money transfer.

Gazprombank credit card is a loan of funds to a client for a certain period of time, by crediting them to a plastic card. Unlike credit, the card has a simplified procedure for obtaining and using. It can be used at your discretion for any operations within the established limit. Gazprombank opens accounts in Russian rubles for its customers.

Gazprombank credit cards are issued for a period of one year and give their owner all the same opportunities as debit cards. A citizen over the age of 21 who can receive a stable income sufficient to repay a loan to a bank can become a credit card holder.

In conclusion, we will talk about additional services that the bank provides for its customers.

Service Telecard - is available for owners of modern smartphones and is a system of remote management of their accounts without going to the bank branch. Operations in this system are performed around the clock online.

Another useful service from Gazprombank is the Home Bank service. In this case, the client is registered to connect to the system, and authorization is also possible through an ATM. Such a service allows you to track transactions on accounts, view information on bank cards, view the limit on the card, make transfers and payments.