Among the services of the Baksmanyexchange service, the process of transferring foreign exchange funds from Tinkoff Internet Bank to Advanced Cash RUR is in special demand .
The Baksmanyinstant transfer portal has good development prospects, attracts visitors with the speed of operations, affordable prices, a high level of security and privacy of transactions.
Sequence of actions when transferring to Baksmany
Baksmanyexchanger is distinguished by simplicity, convenience and reliability of transactions. There is no need to complete a full registration to transfer funds from a Tinkoff card to Volet RUR . Clients are registered who want to use all the features of the service to the full - to participate in the "Partners" program or use a saved template to conduct transactions on mobile devices. In order not to be mistaken and to make the exchange correctly, follow the following sequence of actions:
- Select from the right and left list of currencies and payment systems located on the main page of the site, the required units:
- find Tinkoff in the list on the left ("Giving") ;
- select Advanced Cash from the list on the right ("You receive")
- On the next page of the site, which will open after choosing the direction of translation, there is a form that must be filled out for a successful conversion.
- In the first top field, located on the left, you should enter the amount that you plan to exchange from the Tinkoff card. The online calculator of the site will calculate the result taking into account the percentage of the bonus discount (calculated starting from the second transaction), minus the commission of the exchanger .
- The following fields must be filled in for effective work during the exchange - the e-mail address to which you will receive notifications, your personal data to which the electronic wallet is registered in the Advanced Cash system.Particularly carefully consider the record of the Advanced Cash RUR account number .
- On the same page there is a button "I agree with the exchange rules". You can familiarize yourself with the rules of the service by visiting the corresponding section of the site. Next, check the box if you agree with them.
- After filling out the form, you must press the red button "Start exchange".
- Next, you need to transfer the amount from the Tinkoff card to the Baksmanyservice account . We remind you that this amount includes the commission of the exchanger . After making the payment, click on the "I paid" button. An application for performing an exchange operation Tinkoff card - Volet RUR has been created. This will be confirmed by the receipt and tracking link that you receive by email. You will also receive a notification upon completion of the operation.
Benefits offered by Baksmanyexchanger
Our exchange service for the Tinkoff card transaction - Volet RUR has a large reserve of currencies. Even if the volume of your transfer exceeds the amount of stocks on the site, you can always make a pre-order before making a transaction involving a Tinkoff card. In addition to this advantage, the online resource also has other qualities:
- Supports cooperation with most banks and payment platforms, has the ability to make conversions in different directions.
- Promotional programs of the exchanger significantly reduce the required amount of the service commission:
- Bonus accumulative discount program - the amount of the discount percentage depends on the total volume of transactions performed by the user.
- " Partners " program for registered clients. The client who brought the partner to the exchanger receives interest from the subsequent transactions of his referral, thereby earning on the site.
Of great importance is the fact that the Baksmanyservice works around the clock, providing services to customers at any time convenient for them.