How do I use a Bitcoin wallet? Part II
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Are you ready to start mining Bitcoins? All that remains is to enter the Bitcoin wallet registered in advance and copy the public key. This key is used for various processes - it is it that is indicated for crediting earnings on cloud mining sites, on various fausets and exchanges, to receive transfers from other users.
Logging into the wallet is very simple:

    When registering in online wallets or when downloading and installing Bitcoin Core on a home computer, the user is assigned a unique private key, which is also called an identifier. It should be saved, preferably outside your computer or mobile device. Write it down in a regular notebook. Replenishment of the Bitcoin wallet or withdrawal of funds are carried out with the indication of the identifier, the loss of the key leads to the loss of access to the service and to the earned cryptocurrency.

    When entering the wallet, the identifier and password entered by the user during registration and / or software installation are indicated.

A private key consists of a unique set of numbers and letters (for example, d3c8d98b-b555-4b20-9bee-3a698b23bd29). Even the most advanced equipment cannot pick up such a combination and, accordingly, hack the users wallet. This key cannot be specified anywhere.

How do I deposit money into a Bitcoin wallet?

 How to withdraw money from a Bitcoin wallet or how to deposit it into a personal account? Initially, an analogy should be drawn with a classic bank account:

    A private key is an analogue of an access password (or pin code) to your account in a financial institution. If you indicate it publicly, then almost everyone will be able to write off money from your account.

    A public key is an analogue of an account number. It should be indicated on exchange sites, on exchanges, transferred to other users, and so on.

You can get the public key only in the personal account of the wallet user. For example, the online wallet service gives the user the opportunity to enter a Bitcoin wallet and copy a unique code. Procedure:

    Log in to the Blockchain website.
    In your personal account, click on the blue button in the center of the "Start receiving Bitcoin" screen.
    In the window that appears, copy the unique 34-digit code.

Under no circumstances should you confuse the public key, which can be obtained only in your personal account, with the identifier assigned during registration. For any transactions - deposits, withdrawals, transfers to other accounts, and so on, only the 34-digit public key is used.

How to deposit money to a Bitcoin wallet through exchangers?

 How to deposit money to a Bitcoin wallet in a few seconds? It is enough to use one of the exchangers, of which there are many on the network. How does the transfer work:

    We go to the Baksmany website, or any other exchanger.

    Basically, all sites are built on the same principle. On the left, there is a column for choosing the currency that the user is ready to give away, on the right - a column in which you should select the Bitcoin cryptocurrency. Click on the available currency, for example, the user has money in the Qiwi wallet account. Select Bitcoins on the right.

    In the window that appears or on a new page, enter the amount for which the Bitcoin wallet is to be replenished. The service automatically indicates how much cryptocurrency will be credited to the users account.

    Enter the email address, public wallet code and Qiwi wallet account / number (or any other selected system).

When choosing cards of any banks, the system, as a rule, requires entering the 16-digit card number, as well as the surname, name and patronymic of the plastic holder. Despite the fact that Bitcoins are a private cryptocurrency, financial institutions do not allow transfers without specifying the users personal data.

Knowing how to put money on a Bitcoin wallet using exchangers, most users have no questions about how to carry out the reverse procedure, that is, withdraw the cryptocurrency. Please note - all exchange offices guarantee the confidentiality of customer personal data.

How to withdraw money from a Bitcoin wallet?

 In addition to exchange offices, you can use exchanges to replenish or withdraw funds from wallets, as well as search for people for direct exchange on forums and social networks. The last way is the most risky. Disadvantages of direct exchange between users:

    The unspoken rules determine that whoever wants to exchange Bitcoins for electronic or real money makes the transfer first. Replenishment of a Bitcoin wallet takes 2-3 minutes, but there are practically no guarantees that a person will actually transfer the currency you need.

    Users on the forums are strangers who indicate nicknames, and not their real name, respectively, there will be no one to make claims.

 Of course, the forums have such criteria as the users rating, the duration of his stay on this resource, reviews of other users. Trusting an exchange to a newbie who registered 2 days ago is an almost guaranteed loss of money, but to carry out an exchange with a forum member who has been changing cryptocurrency day by day for 5 years is more reliable.
How to withdraw money from a Bitcoin wallet through exchanges:

    We register on one of the cryptocurrency exchanges. The largest in this sector is the service. The system requires you to enter mail, come up with a login and specify a password. You should also agree to the rules and enter the captcha.

    After that, the "Finance" function will be in your personal account, clicking on which will open a new page. There are not only Bitcoins, but also other cryptocurrencies, as well as electronic and real money.

    Click "Replenish" next to the selected currency. The system generates a unique code for replenishment, follow the instructions. The user will need to log into the Bitcoin wallet and confirm the transaction.

 After the account is replenished, each user can put up their Bitcoins for sale and claim the required amount in US dollars for them, for example. As soon as the transaction is completed, an amount in dollars will be credited to the users wallet in the BTC-E system, which can be withdrawn very simply - in the personal account near "USD" select "Withdraw" and indicate the most suitable method.

Which way should a newbie choose?

 There are 3 main ways to withdraw and replenish your wallet. Trading - working through an exchange - is rightfully considered the most profitable option. Knowing how to put money on a Bitcoin wallet through exchanges, a user can earn several dollars on trading, because he himself determines the course and chooses the most profitable value.

 But for beginners who are just starting their journey in the field of mining, "additional body movements" may seem too complicated and tedious. Trading is suitable for experienced miners. It is better for beginners to use exchange offices. Conversion in 80% of cases takes place in a few minutes, you get the required amount without delay, only by specifying the wallet number and the method of replenishment or withdrawal. When you already get comfortable with working with cryptocurrency, then you can withdraw funds directly or through exchanges. Now you know how to withdraw money from your Bitcoin wallet and how to replenish it!