What is interesting about the e-pay payment system?
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Today, you can find many different payment systems on the Internet. And each of them is a set of technologies with which you can make financial transactions on the Internet without leaving your home. The e-Pay payment service, which is considered an indispensable assistant for prompt and reliable transactions, deserves a separate mention.


What are the features of this payment system

This service is convenient and reliable. It offers its users a multitude of features that can be used to make any payment almost instantly and relatively inexpensively. To be fair, it should be noted that almost every modern payment system can boast of such functionality. But this resource also has unique advantages, the main of which is confidentiality. So, most of these services are equipped with tools that allow you to control the amount and order of use of funds of individuals and organizations. Whereas the e-Pay payment system offers a privacy service, which is very much in demand at the present stage.

The debit card of this payment service guarantees unique protection for all financial transactions made in the system. The privacy capability is achieved through blind signature. Payment transactions are structured according to the same schemes as ordinary money transactions. Its participants are the payer and the recipient, which in this case are called the issuer and the acquirer. The functions of the payer or issuer include managing the payment system and issuing virtual means of payment into circulation. The peculiarities of e-Pay are that it is impossible to determine the amount of the payment, even if the data on the transaction is intercepted.

With this feature, the service is strikingly different from other similar resources. To send money, the user only needs to indicate the e-mail of the recipient of the payment. There is no need to voice any other information. To complete this operation, the participation of a banking institution is required. It is it who must verify the compliance of the information specified in the payment protocol with the real movement of finances. The e-Pay debit card is issued on very favorable terms for the user. And its presence guarantees the client the provision of quality services at an affordable cost.

How e-Pay payment service works

The system operates in accordance with certain principles that ensure the reliability and security of payments in the network. To join the number of its participants, an interested person must go through the registration procedure, after which he receives a list of secret codes. They are further used as security keys for operations. Their use within the e-Pay payment system not only guarantees the reliability of the transaction, but also ensures the authorization of the payer.

Other benefits of the service are as follows:

There is no commission charged for making a payment in the system.
Funds are promptly transferred to the recipients account.
Operations are performed at a convenient time of the day for the user.
The range of operations offered by the service is very diverse and is not inferior to banks.
Individuals are not limited in the amount of the transfer, unless the relevant rule is spelled out in the legislation of a particular country.
These features of e-Pay make the service so easy to use. Separately, it is necessary to mention the safety rules, the observance of which guarantees a high level of reliability of all financial transactions. Thus, the system never saves the users bank card number. Transaction information is transmitted encrypted. Moreover, for its processing and transmission, special cryptographic algorithms and protocols are used. Thanks to this, the probability of a payment being decrypted even in the event of its interception is minimized. After the payment is accepted for processing, it is not allowed to change information about it.


Features of payment transactions

In general, e-Pay has created a very simple and convenient system for making payments. First of all, the user needs to enter the payment service website. Further, in a window specially designed for this, the bank card number is entered. Then the user must designate their area and settlement. In the column "list of services" select the desired option. All that remains is to indicate the account number, phone number, and personal code that was provided to the participant during the registration process.

If all the data is entered correctly, the system automatically goes to the secure page. It contains information about the validity period of the card, its secret code, as well as the users e-mail. To complete the procedure, you need to activate the pop-up button. It is thanks to the high level of security that the e-Pay payment system is so popular in the market.


Another highlight from e-Pay

Another feature of the service is considered to be an option with which you can register accounts not only in other payment systems, but also in banking institutions. The system participants got such a unique opportunity thanks to the cooperation of the service with the world famous MasterCard resource. The presence of a partnership relationship between the two systems once again confirms the reliability and deserved high reputation of the e-Pay payment system.

The cost of servicing a debit card is considered one of the most affordable on the market. At the same time, you can withdraw money from it at almost any ATM in the world. Also, most restaurants, hotels and retail outlets accept a card of this system for payment. Financial transactions in the network are carried out very quickly. A high level of security is also important. Thanks to these qualities, users can easily manage their finances and make the necessary payments, even while away from home. In general, the versatility, privacy, availability, security and other features make e-Pay so much in demand by modern users.