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To add to the list of favorite payment systems, mark the selected items with an asterisk
Cryptocurrencies can provide stability and profitability for any business. By investing in Bitcoin, Ethereum or Dash, you can multiply your own savings due to the constant growth of rates. And you can transfer crypto funds into real money through exchanges or online exchangers - and as practice shows, the second method is in much greater demand among Runet users.
Baksmanyexchange office offers to sell Ethereum with maximum profit! You can make an exchange transaction using dozens of different directions of withdrawal. For example, withdraw them in rubles (we support card accounts of Russian banks), or top up the Capitalist balance. In any case, such exchanges will be as fast and safe as possible.
Most ways to sell cryptocurrencies involve transactions within hours or even days. During this time, the exchange rate can change significantly, due to which the investor will lose a significant part of his own savings. exchanger provides simpler and faster exchange options that take just a few minutes. We propose to withdraw cryptocurrency to the accounts of digital payment systems (for example, quickly replenish the Capitalist balance), or sell Ethereum for Russian rubles by transferring it to bank accounts.
To start an exchange on our resource, the user does not need to register. However, we recommend that you log in: this procedure takes only a few minutes and opens up access to a large number of benefits. Among them are:
Earning opportunity. In addition to the main function of our portal - the exchange of crypto and digital currencies into real money, you can make good money! For this, a referral program is provided, in which all registered users of the portal can participate.
Saving. The amount of commission fees is known even before the start of the exchange. In turn, we minimize the number of overpayments on the part of clients, which makes working with our site even more profitable.
Bonuses. As part of the Baksmanybonus program, we offer automatic discounts for all operations. Detailed statistics of exchanges will be kept directly in your account, which, when a certain amount is reached, increases the size of the current discount. In other words, all subsequent currency exchanges will be even more profitable!
We do not limit the minimum and maximum payment amount in all the directions presented. The team of our site constantly monitors the quotes of the largest currency exchanges, and the exchange rates themselves are updated automatically. You can clarify the current exchange rate in the direction Ethereum - Capitalist directly on the exchange page.
Functionality of the Baksmanyexchange portal
To top up Capitalist balance, you need to carry out an exchange operation on our website. Please note: we do not conduct any exchanges via Skype, Viber or other messengers.
To quickly calculate the required amount, you can use the convenient converter, which is presented on the exchange page. If an application for replenishing the Capitalist balance has been completed, and the rate has changed after that, the user will receive the amount that was specified at the stage of payment formation. In other words, we keep the exchange rate until the capitalist balance is replenished.
Do you have additional questions regarding the work of our portal? Experienced specialists are always ready to provide necessary consultations! We recommend using a convenient live chat, or contact our operator in any other way, which is indicated on the "Contacts" tab.